
To get in love

I been through a quite good day, work hard and have fun. Obviously I , thus , wanna write something. A favorite topic come to my mind was love.

I have heard so many guy says , they re get tired of love. Girl are so "chanh?" and they can't afford time and mind to take care of love thing. So they get out of it, talk about their "love" like a bad memory.

You like someone, you want to be with them, know more about them, yes. So , go on a few date together. It doesn't make love. As you know more , and fall into them, you will want to do more to make them happy. Just then, the real trouble begins.

Two people are not naturally connected will take a lot to get together. How can you get used to all the text messages, emotion , attitudes and all the time required for keeping your relationship lasting, and, come to the next stage. Or you two will just, won't get along, are unsatisfied of each other and finally, "b" word comes?
The answer is sharing soul. Some couple are meant to be, all match. But can most of them be ?

No, there will always be difference in the 2 mind. Hiding the difference will only cause tension and distance. The way you express your self, in consideration of the other 's feeling might help solving . Prove yourself as the only best choice might help solving. Action might help solving. Above all , it is your passion, because love, is all about feeling for girl.

I have a best friend who is just funny and sophisticated. We are totally different but meant to be. There is nothing fun to discover if we were the same type. A relationship is like a new adventure, take the fun out of it and enjoy your happiness. If neccessary, learn to be genourous and adjust. The thing I like about relationship is how yr partner surprisingly impact yr life. If so, make it good impact and get to be a better person.

1 nhận xét:

  1. My girl :)
    No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance.
    No one stays in love by chance, it is by work.
    And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice.

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