

Today in our terrible philosophy class, we discuss all kind of weird stuff, back and forth, round in circle, none will have definite answer, frustrating at some point and open minded at other. So a small phase was raised, is love exist?

In term of philosophy, I must say it's just a belief girl would hold, hormon reaction for boy and fiction for artist. The simplicity of liking each other , is not as important as really care about the one you love. The reaction, overwhelming feeling will come to an end. 

But do we need some specific one in this one in this world to hang on to, to rely on mentally and emotionally. 
Is there a chance that you would meet some one make you happy. Or that hapiness is what you created your self? The matching of personalties, perception , habits, culture... is it important?

Ok, so knowledge is kidda with certainty, proven, and believing is personal. But if they keep doubt everything...
What i wanna say is if you see a chance, take it, prove it by your experiment. If you beliving something happened, a spark or so, go for it. That is so called Inductive knowledge if im not wrong ^"^. it's not totally right, its not universal, but its how most thing discovered, from the specific, to the general.

And lonelinesss is not fun. 
Now you have all friends and gangs
But Seriuously i dun think i would care about each of my friend that much when i got older. 

All im saying is, could you ask her out?
Like a special friend would do
And make it a fresh calm new beginning?
To share your weights, to raise your life?



Today I get to school in a lousy mood, not active, not cool at all. And I figure most of the time I am like that. So I met friend at class, we say hello , lousily, then he turn into another person and talk. Suddenly I feel mad, not mad mad, just abit annoying. After class i leave, still feel bad. I often feel bad without a clear reason, obviously my brain didnt function well. So after a long day, until now, I know the problem. It's jealousy, that my friend can communicate, can think of stuff to chat about, when i m sitting there, do nothing. So jealous, i know im not here to sit in my chair, listen and do nothing, but im still the one holding myself back let laziness control.

Time when I do too much, time when  do too little, i prefer too much. Thank you.

Communication is my problem at home, but here, the obstacle raised. What ind of stuff to talk in random everyday cases, I have no idea, like, open a chi chat with the one sit next to you, when to say "excuse me, can I sit here " or what's next to say after you have talked about name and major and where you from.

Furthermore, sustain a relationship with a person you have gained good impression is difficult. Do I suppose to taxt them ever now and then? Or ask them out? Treat them with food? Oh, it s so much easier at home, i guess, people met all the time at class.

I guess as I question and concern about the matter, I would find a way to improve it. FIY I havent have a standard chat with anyone in English here, except for some text message to the friend dedicated at the beginning.