So with some personal experiences, this is a psychological remedies for those who need it
1. Friend
It's not that talk the things out would makes you feel better. Everyone knows that talking just do not solve anything unless you sit with a therapist. Like me. However, hanging out and talking in general help your ( especially women) brain gives out a chemical which makes you feel comforted and better.
They said that you should hang with the guy who may has positive affect to your mood. This funny buddy might may be the endless source of jokes and you cant help laughing being with him. On the other hand, he might be just some who match your sense and you guy have fun criticize all the girl in campus together.
2. Eat good food
Believe me, the happiness of good , delicious stuff does not only full your stomach. It fulfills your emptiness as well
3. Dress yourself new: It works with me
My depressing list is Glee OST. Lean on me, Stand by you, Smile all are awesome.
I mean family. A young girl 's life now is all about school, friends and boys. But the closest people in this world you have are family, baby.
Work hard and get exhausted on something
This is a dream come true if you can stand up and find your true purpose of life, to stand up for it. ( I meant to repeat that "stand up")
Just to find new concept, or old attitudes that you forgot.
hehe I talked about glee OST but u put Taylor Swift pic :P
Trả lờiXóaI like the pic at number 8 :))
yeah, too lazy to google a glee pic =D . I like that pic too. too bad I can't recall who took it :-?
Trả lờiXóaprobably me, cuz I took other rabbit ears photos :)))
Trả lờiXóaXD you know im kidding , right? I know it's you, this is one of my favourite pic
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