
Colorful fashion

1. Emerald
Mystery, smart, delightful and trendy

2. Chicken Yellow
It's a light brighten color, which bring a fresh air. Listen more from this blogger, she speak out for yellow. http://newyorkchique.blogspot.com/2008/07/yellow.html

3.Powder pink
It brings feminine, young and authentic. When you see a girl in this kind of pink , you feel pure with a bit of love in her

4. Red
My favorite color for winter.

5. White- Beige
It's simple and invisible. But when you catch, it's some how retain able.

P/s : Song of the day Make it go away- Holy Cole

!!! Important: Suit of the day: chicken yellow shirt and emerald cardigan
That's must be the suite of this fall. The same yellow shirt is my dress code in last summer


How to deal with people

OMG, I know about the soft skills, reading haft of the book about this but, it is very annoying the world we have to live in. I'm just mad. Even though I control my self, walk away and try to forget about it, those buzz keeps happening. Especially if you live with one BIG buzz. I just can find peace if I keep on holding back like this.

I need a tough course, to learn to be tough when necessary.
I need to stop act stupidly nice, ignorant about every thing and make people have the chance to step in my face.
I get bored.

Heath, study, excitement is my goal. But I have to add on people skills, quick, smart, neat , organise, achievement and dot dot dot. I have no idea what I have been doing for the last 20 year.

Most on the list of my skills are pretty much born-with-it. Language, communication, math.... They are cute, just not enough for me to be sartisfy with.

Ok, does most people are born with their skills? If so my life might be a bit sad. I lack of so many things. Cross fingers for me.